Food Waste Challenge Incentive

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Sending your food waste to landfills is a huge waste of resources. You can turn it into compost and fertilize your soil!

Every day, a total of 1,750 tonnes of waste are being sent to Pulau Burung Landfill. It is alarming that food waste is accounted for 40% of the total waste. As a preventive measure – by converting food waste into fertilizer could reduce the amount of food waste being sent to the landfill, hence increasing the lifespan of the landfill as well as to combat climate change.


To divert food waste away from our landfill in a responsible manner

To encourage sound food waste management system amongst industries

To lower the unused methane emission produced by food waste


Encourage key industry players to play their roles in environmental conservation, particularly in food waste reduction and diversion.


Application period: 17th February – 31st July 2025
Site visit: August – September 2025


Open to factories, hotels/ resorts, institutions with food waste management system, and community-based projects

For further details, please contact us at 04-250 3322 or email to